Processbaserat konstverk i 3 delar. Påbörjades 19 mars 2013 och pågår i 365 dagar

Frivärd del 1 och 2, Video 15 min
Utsmyckning, Entrén till Stadsteatern och Folkets Hus i Lund, Invigt 7 nov.

Banyan, rostig järnplåt delvis förgylld och försilvrad, ljussättning

Powered by the Fiery Mind, Guided by Imagination, Kajak med vingar och hjul, ca 100x530x380 cm

-“ I should not have to tell you this, but you seem in need of being reminded: The impossible task of making your ideas take off, the absolute dependence on the belief that it actually will work anyway, because you want it to. That is more important than the fallout, if it really worked out or not. Imagination, and Your elan , rapture, ebullience, the fire in your mind driving something to happened from nothing. That is the reason, this is the meaning, there is everything you need. Do not forget this when you mistrust that there is any meaning to be found. So, foster your enthusiasm and the rest will follow. ”